(chibi system)



Returns the standard hostname of the current processor.

(user-information name-or-id)

(user? obj)
(user-name passwd)
(user-password passwd)
(user-id passwd)
(user-group-id passwd)
(user-gecos passwd)
(user-home passwd)
(user-shell passwd)

Returns the password entry for the given user. name-or-id should be a string indicating the user name, or an integer for the user id.Accessors for the password entry structure returned by user-information.





(set-current-user-id! uid_t)

(set-current-effective-user-id! uid_t)

(set-current-group-id! gid_t)

(set-current-effective-group-id! gid_t)

Accessors for the current user credentials.

(current-session-id pid_t)

Returns the session id of the specified process, defaulting to the current process.


Creates a new session.

(set-root-directory! string)

Set string to be the new root directory, so that paths beginning with "/" are resolved relative to the new root.

(group? obj)
(group-name group)
(group-password group)
(group-id group)